The UK Government has now relaxed all restrictions on COVID-19, including entry requirements into the country, self-isolation, and wearing masks in public spaces.
The SKAO has its own protocols, informed by a COVID-19 advisory group. The following measures will be applied at the SKAO Global Headquarters for the conference:
- All meetings rooms and shared offices are well ventilated and air quality monitored;
- The wearing of masks is no longer required, but staff and visitors are welcome to do so in crowded indoor spaces. FFP2/N95 masks will be provided to meeting participants;
- Daily lateral-flow testing (LFT) will be required before travelling to the venue. The SKAO will provide LFTs;
- Hand sanitiser will be available at regular points in the building;
- Wherever possible, meeting participants should endeavour to maintain social distancing of 1m;
We continue to monitor the situation regularly and will continue to amend measures as necessary, including reviewing the above protocols at short notice.