
Frequently Asked Questions


I have not received a confirmation email. Should I be concerned?

You should receive a confirmation email within a few hours of submitting your registration form. If you have registered and have not received confirmation, please email

What are my payment options?

You can pay by credit card when registering.  If you require an invoice so you can pay by bank transfer, please contact the LOC.

I requested an invoice but now want to pay by credit card.  Can I?

Yes, please login again to the registration page and you will be able to change your payment to credit card.  If you do not receive a receipt, please email

Will I receive a receipt for my registration fee?

If paying by credit card your receipt will be attached to your registration confirmation email.  If paying by bank transfer, you will not automatically receive a receipt but can request one by emailing once payment has been made.

I have registered.  What now?

We will send a link to the virtual event nearer the time.

I am no longer able to attend. Can someone else attend in my place?

Yes. Registration is fully transferable. If you would like your registration to be transferred to a colleague, please email


Why are you charging for a virtual event?

Whilst we are not incurring the charges of an in person conference such as venue hire and catering, we do have increased IT charges to enable us to provide the event virtually.